these are all my quiz results
Monday, March 29, 2004
What Name Should You Have? by Lauren
You're the intelligent smiley
You're a hard worker and are smart when it comes to lots of things. You think twice before you say something to someone and are a great friend. a href="http://www21.brinkster.com/laurenn/smileyquiz.html" target="_new">What online smiley are YOU?!
@ Radiant
Do You Listen? by Lauren
Linda 7:12 PM
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Linda 8:48 PM
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Linda 3:37 PM
Linda 3:37 PM
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results Warmth | ||||||||||||||| | 42% | Intellect | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Emotional Stability | |||||||||||| | 38% | Aggressiveness | ||||||||||||||| | 42% | Liveliness | |||||||||||| | 34% | Dutifulness | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Social Assertiveness | |||||||||||| | 38% | Artistic Interests | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Paranoia | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Abstractness | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Introversion | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Anxiety | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Openmindedness | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Independence | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Tension | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | | Take Free 16pf based Personality Test
Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||| | 62% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 3 | Image Awareness | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Type 4 | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||||| | 66% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||||| | 64% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||||| | 62% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||| | 32% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||||| | 53% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 46% | Your Conscious-Surface type is 4w5 Your Unconscious-Overall type is 4w3 | Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||| | 70% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 3 | Image Awareness | |||||||||||| | 46% | Type 4 | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||| | 58% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||| | 58% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||| | 26% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||| | 38% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 46% | | Take Free Enneagram Word Test>
Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 3 | Image Awareness | |||||||||||||||| | 62% | Type 4 | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||| | 53% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||| | 57% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||| | 57% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||| | 33% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||| | 42% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 49% | Your Conscious-Surface type is 1w2 Your Unconscious-Overall type is 3w4 | Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Introverted (I) 64.29% Extroverted (E) 35.71% Realistic (S) 58.06% Imaginative (N) 41.94% Intellectual (T) 52.94% Emotional (F) 47.06% Organized (J) 62.5% Easygoing (P) 37.5% | You are a Trustee, possible professions include - management,accounting, auditing, efficiency expert, engineer, geologist, bank examiners, organization development, electricians, dentists, pharmacist, school principals, school bus drivers, file clerk, stock broker, legal secretary, computer operator, computer programmer, technical writer, chief information officer, police officer, real estate agent. | | Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
Eysenck's Test Results | Extraversion (38%) moderately low which suggests you are quiet, unassertive, and aloof. Neuroticism (61%) moderately high which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous. Psychoticism (35%) moderately low which suggests you are good natured, trusting, and helpful but possibly too much of a follower. | Take Eysenck's EPQ-R based Personality Test
The Big Five Personality Test | Extroverted | |||||||||| | 34% | Introverted | |||||||||||||||| | 66% | Friendly | |||||||||||||| | 52% | Aggressive | |||||||||||| | 48% | Orderly | |||||||||||||||| | 64% | Disorderly | |||||||||| | 36% | Relaxed | |||||||||| | 36% | Emotional | |||||||||||||||| | 64% | Openminded | |||||||||||| | 48% | Closeminded | |||||||||||||| | 52% | Take Free Big 5 Personality Test
Extroversion results were moderately low which suggests you are quiet, unassertive, and aloof.
Friendliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately good natured, trusting, and helpful.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are organized, reliable, neat, and ambitious but possibly not very spontaneous and fun.
Emotional Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous.
Openmindedness results were medium which suggests you are moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative.
Overall (of the Big 5 factors), you scored highest on Orderliness and lowest on Extroversion.
Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||| | 66% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||| | 46% | Type 3 | Image Awareness | |||||||||||||| | 60% | Type 4 | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||| | 60% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||| | 60% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||| | 23% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 50% | Your Conscious-Surface type is 1w9 Your Unconscious-Overall type is 3w2 | Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Linda 10:07 AM
Saturday, February 28, 2004
I am an Intellectual
Which America Hating Minority Are You?
Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons
I am Nothing!
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons
My Phase is Olbos
Which Phase of the Greek Tragic Cycle Are You?
Take More Robert & Tim Quizzes Watch Robert & Tim Cartoons
Linda 10:59 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2004
You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people feel that they have known you their entire life. Many often open up to you for they view you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although people trust you, you have a hard time trusting them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled up inside, or display them very quietly. It is alright to open up every once in a while.
Which kind of candy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Linda 7:45 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2004
I am The Hermit The Hermit often suggests a need for time alone - a period of reflection when distractions are limited. In times of action and high energy, he stands for the still center that must be created for balance. He can also indicate that withdrawal or retreat is advised for the moment. In addition, the Hermit can represent seeking of all kinds, especially for deeper understanding or the truth of a situation. "Seek, and ye shall find," we have been told, and so the Hermit stands for guidance as well. We can receive help from wise teachers, and, in turn, help others as we progress. For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com
| What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate.
Linda 4:08 PM